About the Blog

Hey there! Welcome to the warm and welcoming world of Tid Bits Blog! This is a space where we express our emotions, share our passions, and create meaningful connections with all of you. We pour our hearts into every word we write, opening up and sharing our innermost thoughts and feelings with our beloved readers. Join us on this adventure filled with love, laughter, and yes, even a few tears as we navigate the rollercoaster of life together. So come on in and make yourself at home at Tid Bits Blog, where every word is written with love and intention. Can't wait to share this journey with you!

Djubenski’s Lifestyle

The Djubenski Family lifestyle is a delightful mix of love, laughter, and togetherness. Each day is packed with moments that warm our hearts and fill us with gratitude. Whether we're enjoying meals together at the table or breaking out into spontaneous dance parties in the living room, our family is inseparable. We treasure every moment we share, creating memories that will stay with us forever. Living the Djubenski Family lifestyle isn't just a routine, it's a joyful celebration of the unique and beautiful chaos of being part of something truly special.


Our family is always on the go, enjoying a wide range of activities together! From fishing and camping to taking scenic family drives or simply going for a leisurely stroll in the woods, we truly see everything we do as an exciting adventure.

Hobby Farm

Our family is so excited to share that our boys have a deep love for animals! We can't wait to embark on this new adventure of starting our own hobby farm. Stay tuned as we take you along on this wild and crazy journey!

Family Traditions

We believe that family traditions are a key part of what makes our family special, and we love sharing them with others to help create stronger bonds between families.


We have a blast in our household with gardening! Our boys absolutely love getting their hands dirty – from planting the seeds to watching the plants grow week by week. It's so rewarding to see them learn and make changes along the way, leading up to the exciting harvest time. I have a great time teaching them all about gardening, and we have fun together preserving our hard work through canning and freezing. It's a wonderful way for us to bond and enjoy nature together.

Budget Managing

Hey there! We know that managing finances can be tough, but we wanted to share our story with you. Back in December of 2023, we decided to try a new approach with our finances and it has made a huge difference for our family. We'd love to tell you all about it and how it has helped us come a long way. Let's chat!

Favorite Products

Hey there! We're all about sharing our favorite products with you, from health and cleaning items to cute kids' clothes and toys. Let's get you connected with the things we love!